Saturday, January 31, 2009
New Party Game
Saturday, January 24, 2009
Soups and Salads and Suppers. OH MY!

Sunday, January 18, 2009
Mmmm mmmmm good
Saturday, January 17, 2009
I'm baaaaaack!
Monday, January 12, 2009
Home at last!
Sunday, January 11, 2009
Boogers on the ceiling and screaming naked guy

The Green Wire
Around 7:00 cousin Jackie dropped by and the 5 of us were having a great time chatting and telling old story's. At about 7:30 we had decided to go grab some dinner, when one of the doctors came in and said he wanted a minute with Hayley. The nurse chased us out of the room, and a few minutes later the Dr. (not Buntic, but one of the younger Doctors) came up to me and let me know that they were no longer getting any feedback from Hayley's right breast. He continued to explain that if the breast may not proper blood flow. So they were going to do a couple of other tests first, but it looked like she would have to go back into surgery!
F---Me! That would mean getting her ready to go back under, and a couple more hours on the table under the knife, then start the recovery all over again (ICU and the whole nine yards!) At least 4 more days here! Then he said, "Not to worry you, BUT it is never a good thing when after 4 days we have a problem". No shit Sherlock! Now those little voices that were all rested up since Tuesday night started back chiming in. This time i had TJ, Laura, and Jackie all to share my fear with.
Enter the coolest cat in the room, Jackie, who led the troops in a stirring battle of HangMan, as we all tried to keep our mind off of the impending surgery. After saying the Serenity Prayer about 10 times to myself, I pulled TJ aside and told him, there must be some kind of mistake--maybe the wire was disconnected or something.
At about 9 the more senior doctor on duty tonight (Dr. Buntic was called, and would be in to do the cutting) came in to take a look for himself, before the surgery. They had just finished a 8 hour surgery, some poor guy had got his hand stuck in a cement mixer (and it had been cut off) and they had re-attached it. He took one look at Hayley's new Juggs, and said "they look awfully good to not have circulation". A collective sigh from the 5 of us. Then he asked the nurse if she had checked the wire? "No, never though of it" she said. He switched leads, and low and behold her right breast was actually getting plenty of blood flow--there had been a faulty GREEN WIRE!
So after an hour and a half of terror, all was back to peacefulness! Jackie broke into the M&M's and we sucked down the victory candy that melts in your mouth not in your hand! Finally Hayley chased us out--she was ready to go to sleep. The younger Dr. came back before we left and apologized, he was sorry to have put us through the ringer like that, he just wanted to be on the safe side. We all told him we understood, and thanked him for looking out for our girl.
Jackie led us to some great Thai food, and then took TJ & Laura out for some liquid relaxation. I came here to update you all, and to let you all know that all is well, hopefully Hayley and I will be coming home Monday or Tuesday, and as of right now, there will be no more surgery!

Next time, check the GREEN WIRE FIRST!
Funny Stuff
Dr. Buntic
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Saturday Morning

Friday, January 9, 2009
Friday update
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Thursday Night
Gets me tired just thinking about it! You all know Hayley, and seeing someone who has that much energy stuck in bed is a strange site. It is wonderful to see her improving. Hospitals can be wonderful places. The Milkshake guy came around today, and delivered Hayley a really great milkshake (i did help her out with it and it was yummy).
But for some folks the Hospital is not so kind. In the room next to Hayley is a woman who came out of surgery (unknown) and her entire extended family is in the waiting room outside the ICU. They take up every seat and spill into the hall. From the looks of the family things may not be doing so well--I cant really tell what they are talking about as their conversation is in Spanish. I hope for the best, but I see the fear in the family's faces, and understand. It is the fear of the unknown. Two days ago I guess I looked like that too. My what a difference 48 hours can make!
Well its off to bed, while your thinking about Hayley, say a little prayer for the woman in the next room. I hope her family and friends have a strong network like we do.
Thursday afternoon update
Hayley is still doing great! The doctor was in to check her tummy and everything is healing as expected. She was able to eat a little bit of lunch and has been sleeping most of the day. She should be moved out of the CCU as soon as a bed opens up, probably later today or tomorrow. They plan to have her up and moving around by Sunday, right on schedule. Her brother TJ and his wife Laura are driving out from Utah as we speak, not sure of their exact ETA. I myself have caught a little cold (evidently there are SICK people in hospitals) so I kept my germy self home today...Hayley would kick my ass if I got her sick!! I'm hoping to be back out there tomorrow and will print out all of the blog posts with everyone's comments for her so she can see how much she is loved. So keep sending the love!
Julie's Wednesday update
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
24 hours
Dr. Buntic came in this morning during his rounds and liked what he saw--last nights surgery had fixed the problem. Her blood pressure was a little low, and heart rate high, so he ordered up a little blood for my girl, and that did the trick. He came back later in the day, looked at her, and her vitals, and said "looks good" and was off to take care of someone who needed help. Clearly he saw that everything was well under control.
I left the Hospital tonight around 9, Hayley was heading off to slumberland--blood pressure and pulse great, and the healing continuing nicely. It was great today, Madelyn and Greg took the early shift so I could get a few winks, and do a little work, then they got in the big bird back to 28 degrees and snow in Cleveland. Once again thanks to these two who jostled their schedule so they could hold my hand yesterday (was that really only yesterday?)
Hayley had a nice visit from her BBB (Buntic Boobie Buddies) today, as well as Marcy and Julie. Her Brother is making his way out from Utah, and her Aunt will be here Monday.
Either tomorrow or Friday Hayley will be moved from ICU to a normal room, and home most likely Monday or Tuesday. Thanks to all for checking this instead of calling or texting--my phone's battery thanks you.
We will update this tomorrow (Julie, call me before you leave so you can post).
Thanks for all the love and prayers,
All is well
Of course it is!
I must say it is something to see those nurses at work. I rode the elevator with 2 nurses, Hayley, and the anesthesiologist from the surgery floor back up to ICU. Hayley looked like she had just gotten out of surgery (oh yeah she had!) Seeing someone you love and care for deeply fresh out of surgery is kinda scary. The last time I saw her after she was thru recovery, cleaned up and not under the effects of the knock out drugs. This time I got to see her wake up. She looked like Spicolli after taking a hit off a big bong load. But to me, she was the most beautiful thing in the world.
When we got to her room the whirling dervishes began their dance around her. 4 nurses, the anesthesiologist, and the doctor who recognized that there might be something wrong converged on her. With in 15 minutes she was all settled in, and dosing off to dream and heal. After about another 30 minutes, I decided to hit the bricks, and leave her in the capable hands of the nurses. Having been son a doctor and a nurse, and the brother of a radiology tech, I’ve been around a butt load of hospitals, and this one has bar none, the most talented staff I have ever seen. It is great to know that she is in such capable hands.
Now it’s 2:50 and I think I’ll go pass out in bed!
Wake up!
I laid there for about a minute wondering what the heck was that—did he really call or was I dreaming? Had the voices in my head gotten the better of me? I’ll just go back to sleep, and it will be all over soon. No, I figured it really happened, so I got dressed and hopped into the truck and back down to the California Pacific Medical Clinic I went.
Dr B. just came in and gave me an update. They had not started yet, but they were about to. He did not like the look (and sound) of the blood flow of the tissue to the new “breast”, and wanted to put Hayley under to take a closer look. Should take about an hour.
Strike up the band! There goes the chorus between my ears again! Playing the old “what if?” game. What if it does not take? What if something goes wrong? What if Eleanor Roosevelt could fly? Come on now Tim, lets get back to basics. Did I cause it? No. Can I control it? No. Can I fix it? No. I guess that means that I should not worry about it then? Like the dude in Pulp Fiction said after taking a bite of the big kahuna burger and washing it down with a tasty beverage—“Correct-a-mundo”.
I thank God for the simple prayer I learned about 6 years ago—“God grant me the serenity to accept the things I can’t control, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference.” Such a simple little saying, but ever so powerful.
So here I sit, hanging out in the Surgery Waiting Room, waiting more peacefully than I could ever imagine I would be, while the good Doctors do what they do. Knowing that I have ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with the outcome, and being OK with that fact!
Tuesday 1/6/2009 morning till about 4
The thing about waiting for someone in surgery is you just don’t know. I don’t know how many times I have told someone “don’t worry about the things you cant control”. Easier said then done. I think back to the very first surgery Hayley had when this all started 6 years ago. That time the surgeon came and found me and gave me the bad news that Hayley’s lump had been cancerous, and they had to take lymph nodes and 7 out of 12 were bad. I remember feeling like someone had just punched me in the gut—my Hayley had CANCER. I had an hour or so to stew in that, then she came out of recovery and I had to deliver the news to her that she had cancer. Not exactly the highlight of my life.
So here we are again. Waiting for the Doctors. The chorus in my mind telling me to worry some more, while I do my best to fend them off. Thank God for my dear sister Madelyn, and her hubby Greg. They flew out to be with me and help keep me from thinking about all crap! Thank you is not enough—without them I would be left with those pesky voices in my head.
Uh Oh, here comes the Doc….
First update, all is going well. Bad Boobies gone, new one under way. The Surgeon did not see anything unusual when she removed the breast tissue! This was the part that 6 years ago I was dying to hear! They will still do pathology, but there was nothing out of the ordinary!
Awesome, now it is time to tell those voices, “I told you so!” As my Brother-in-law Greg said “So many time the best news we ever hear is no news at all.” That is for sure.
A couple of more hours go by, and here comes the Doc again. He says all is well, they are just finishing up, should be only about another ½ hour, then another hour in recovery, then up to ICU. Time passes so much easier, now that those voices are quieted down. Now I’m just waiting to see her, and this time I get to tell her that everything should be OK! I can not tell you how much of a relief that is—here they come, got to go, time to see my love!
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
8:20 PM - NITE NITE!
Well, it's still good news on the Townley front. Hayley is now happily settled into ICU and sleeping off the anesthesia. I asked if she woke up and Timmy said she was hungry but they won't let her eat. I think that's a good sign. Apparently he was able to see the new girls and they look great...I did not know this but apparently the incision is only a couple inches wide, then they use this opening to stuff the fat (courtesy of Ben and Jerry's) inside. Good thing she ate all that ice cream this week!! I assume they (the girls, not Ben and Jerry) are even and perky. SO I guess this means that she was NOT exactly filleted like a fish. Who knew??? But......Hooray! She will be resting comfortably thanks to the wonders of modern medicine tonight, and Timmy has gone back to the hotel for some much needed rest. Clearly everyone's prayers and positive energy have worked their magic, so good job everyone!! Keep up the good work and check back in tomorrow for another update.
6:40 pm update
One more thing
Progress report
I know everyone is anxiously awaiting any news about Hayley and the progress of her surgery. I was just talking with Timmy and got interrupted because a nurse came to talk to him (so you know this is hot off the press). The mastectomy and tummy tuck plus reconstruction of one boobie are now complete. They are just starting to work on boobie #2 so best guess is she will not be out of surgery until 5pm at the earliest. After that she will be in recovery for another hour or so. Everything is going really well, and Timmy has Madelyn and Gregg to keep him company while he waits. More good news is that when the surgeon completed the mastectomy, she did not have to go into the lymph nodes. We think this means that the tumor did not look suspicious therefore no need to go any further.
Keep sending that positive energy her way!
More news in a couple of hours.