Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Of course it is!

And of course everything is OK. The good doctor found a clot in one of her arteries on the right breast. Seems the new tissue was pinching the artery thus limiting the blood flow. Just for the record that is a bad thing. They opened her up, and straightened out everything, and now she is resting comfortably. I’m glad I went down there—even though it had absolutely no effect on the outcome.

I must say it is something to see those nurses at work. I rode the elevator with 2 nurses, Hayley, and the anesthesiologist from the surgery floor back up to ICU. Hayley looked like she had just gotten out of surgery (oh yeah she had!) Seeing someone you love and care for deeply fresh out of surgery is kinda scary. The last time I saw her after she was thru recovery, cleaned up and not under the effects of the knock out drugs. This time I got to see her wake up. She looked like Spicolli after taking a hit off a big bong load. But to me, she was the most beautiful thing in the world.

When we got to her room the whirling dervishes began their dance around her. 4 nurses, the anesthesiologist, and the doctor who recognized that there might be something wrong converged on her. With in 15 minutes she was all settled in, and dosing off to dream and heal. After about another 30 minutes, I decided to hit the bricks, and leave her in the capable hands of the nurses. Having been son a doctor and a nurse, and the brother of a radiology tech, I’ve been around a butt load of hospitals, and this one has bar none, the most talented staff I have ever seen. It is great to know that she is in such capable hands.

Now it’s 2:50 and I think I’ll go pass out in bed!


Anonymous said...

Oh my. What an exciting night. Again, she is very lucky to have you and you both deserve each other. Can I clone you Tim (except the rep thing)?

Anonymous said...

So very happy to hear things are finally going well and that both you and Hayley are recovering nicely (minus the scare). Looking forward to seeing you both in this new year and wish you every happiness and much love, Darcy

Anonymous said...

Thank you for sharing such a heart rendering experience and I'm so glad to be included in your circle of friends, Hayley and Tim.

I do think though, that we need to christen you as "Perky Hayley" henceforth!!

Love you, Saundra King