Thursday, January 8, 2009

Julie's Wednesday update

Hi everyone! I was thinking that Hayley would be completely out of it yesterday so imagine my surprise when I overheard her chatting up a storm in the background with Margerie and Shannon visiting from SLO while talking to Timmy! To say she has a lot of tubes and gizmos attached to her is like saying "Katrina caused a little flooding" but despite all that, she looks great. Far better than I would be after not only enduring 9 hours of surgery and THEN being called back for an encore 5 hours later to remove the blood clot! Dr. Buntic is an amazing surgeon judging by the newly constructed "girls" and Hayley could not be in more capable hands with the doctors and nurses at Cal Pacific. She's definitely in some pain and having to do normal things like "give me a little cough" for the nurses must be a real treat (helloooooooooooooo morphine drip!) but she's not laying there saying "woe is me". Not by a long stretch. Our girl is a trooper!! Hopefully she'll 1) be allowed to eat (and shame on Timmy if he breathed Philly cheesesteak breath on her last night when he got back from dinner) and 2) graduate from the ICU to a regular room today. I'll check in with Timmy in a bit for the morning report and post before I head to SF for everyone's reading pleasure.


A.Madelyn said...

Great Job Julie on the "post of the new girls"...Hayley is doing great ...wait till all the nursing staff checks out the wine bottle on her bed stand with her beautiful picture on it, they will be extra nice.....!
Keep us updated...
Thanks Madelyn

StacyB said...

I really appreciate the updates. I check the blog hourly hoping to read positive information regarding Hayley's condition. She is an amazaing woman. Keep up the good work everybody.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the updates TT and Julie, glad to hear all is going so great, can't wait to see "the girls" Hugs and kisses to both of you. See you soon xoxo Shari