Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Tuesday 1/6/2009 morning till about 4

The thing about waiting for someone in surgery is you just don’t know. I don’t know how many times I have told someone “don’t worry about the things you cant control”. Easier said then done. I think back to the very first surgery Hayley had when this all started 6 years ago. That time the surgeon came and found me and gave me the bad news that Hayley’s lump had been cancerous, and they had to take lymph nodes and 7 out of 12 were bad. I remember feeling like someone had just punched me in the gut—my Hayley had CANCER. I had an hour or so to stew in that, then she came out of recovery and I had to deliver the news to her that she had cancer. Not exactly the highlight of my life.

So here we are again. Waiting for the Doctors. The chorus in my mind telling me to worry some more, while I do my best to fend them off. Thank God for my dear sister Madelyn, and her hubby Greg. They flew out to be with me and help keep me from thinking about all crap! Thank you is not enough—without them I would be left with those pesky voices in my head.

Uh Oh, here comes the Doc….

First update, all is going well. Bad Boobies gone, new one under way. The Surgeon did not see anything unusual when she removed the breast tissue! This was the part that 6 years ago I was dying to hear! They will still do pathology, but there was nothing out of the ordinary!

Awesome, now it is time to tell those voices, “I told you so!” As my Brother-in-law Greg said “So many time the best news we ever hear is no news at all.” That is for sure.

A couple of more hours go by, and here comes the Doc again. He says all is well, they are just finishing up, should be only about another ½ hour, then another hour in recovery, then up to ICU. Time passes so much easier, now that those voices are quieted down. Now I’m just waiting to see her, and this time I get to tell her that everything should be OK! I can not tell you how much of a relief that is—here they come, got to go, time to see my love!

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